Shine Delhi


Sunkind Energy Shines Bright, Set to Energize Solar Infra Boost with 5 MajorRooftop Projects

 New Delhi : Sunkind Energy, a pioneer in solar solutions, has secured five solar rooftop projects, paving the way for the growing renewable energy sector. By expanding its presence in commercial and solar installations through these important projects, Sunkind Energy has established itself as a leading player in solar engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services, especially in North India. The company has won projects of combined capacity of 10 MW in states like Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh.

With its significant progress in the development of India’s solar energy infrastructure, Sunkind has left indelible green footprints encompassing diverse industries across the country. The company will work on these solar rooftop installation projects for the prestigious industry players such as Cedaar Textiles Private Limited, ABREL Solar Power Limited–subsidiaries of the Aditya Birla Group, Jindal Stainless Limited, Jindal Steel and Power Limited, and SBF Rapid (TMT).

Continuingitsbrandlegacy,Sunkindhasearnedseveralaccoladesforitsunstinting commitment to delivering top-quality solutions. In the renewableenergymarket,thecompanyhascarveditsnichebyexcellinginsolarengineering,procurement,andconstruction(EPC)services.Initsefforttoamplify competitiveness and reduce project costs, Sunkind has spotlighted thedevelopmentofproprietarysolartrackersystemsandtheestablishmentofitsownsolarpanelmanufacturingline, which will see the light of the day in 2025.

Hanish Gupta, Founder and CEO of Sunkind Energy, says: “At SunkindEnergy, we take immense pride in leading the charge towards expanding solarinfrastructure in India, thereby fostering a cleaner and more sustainable energyfuture for generations to come. Our unwavering dedication to excellence andinnovative solutions has firmly established us as a trusted partner in drivingadvancementsinrenewableenergy.Aswecontinueourmission,weremain

steadfast in our commitment to collaborate with the government in achievingclimateactiongoalsandreachingthetargetofnetzeroemissionsby2070.We prioritize integrity and reliability in every aspect of ouroperations. Sunkind Energy believes in delivering end-to-end solutions directlytoitsclients,ratherthansubcontractingordelegatingprojectstosmallervendors.This approach ensures seamless maintenance and operations, safeguarding thelong-term success and sustainability of our projects. At Sunkind Energy, we arecommitted to upholding the highest standards of quality and accountability in allthatwe do.”

Furthermore, Sunkind is transitioning towards a utility-scale developer model,aimingtoinvestinlong-termpowerpurchaseagreements(PPAs)andutility-scaleprojects. This strategic shift promises improved business viability and fasterreturnon investmentcompared totraditionalEPCcontracting.

In addition to solar initiatives, Sunkind is actively involved in energy storagesystems,integratingsolarenergywithbatterystorageforenhancedenergyindependence. The company is also working on solar park development projectsinChattisgarh,Rajasthan,andHaryana,advocatingforcapitalexpenditure(Capex) models to accelerate solar adoption among visionary entrepreneurs andbusinesses.

Sunkind’s commitment extends beyond project completion, offering lifetimeoperation and maintenance solutions to ensure sustained performance and clientsatisfaction.

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